Website Copy For Red Canary Magazine


There were multiple ideas being proposed at Red Canary, an independent publication, regarding the approach to the tone, style, and content of their website—I helped them bring it all together.

After lots of ideation and several iterations of the copy, we found a common ground. Here’s a sample of the content on their About page, but you can explore their whole website by clicking on the link at the bottom.


Our Story

Raising voices together

We believe securing a bright future is possible by amplifying the best of humanity’s thoughts and actions. The challenges we face are unprecedented and call for an unprecedented collective effort.

Humans have caused an overall 1.2°C global warming since the pre-industrial era says NASA. According to the CDC, today over 6 million people worldwide are dead due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientists say our planet is in the middle of its sixth mass extinction, losing over 150 species every day; a recent report by the UN found that up to 1 million species are threatened with extinction. In 2020 over 553,000 people in the United States alone were homeless according to HUD. Last year, 5,590 Indigenous women were reported missing to the F.B.I.’s National Crime Information Center. Political upheaval has drawn thousands of protesters and military troops into the streets of American cities; and migrant children are still being held in ICE detention camps.

It’s hard not to feel hopeless when acknowledging the dire issues we are confronted with. We have to ask: Who are we? What contributions can we make? Who will speak for the earth, our only home? Who will raise the voices of the unheard, the unseen, the erased, the nearly extinct? Who will create space for each of them to tell their stories?

We are healers, activists, filmmakers, photographers, writers and indigenous futurists all living and working at the intersection of creativity and social change. Even throughout a global pandemic, this amazing team of creative people came together to form Red Canary Magazine to do difference-making work.


We are raising the voices of those building hope, equity and sustainability for the planet and her inhabitants.

Our people bring their expertise and connections to every project. Our photographers, writers, filmmakers and artists offer a street-level view of the world today, connecting us to the currents of environmental and social justice action.

We produce an independent online magazine created by award-winning journalists focused on the environment, social justice and sustainability, with the goal of shining more light on these critical issues. While our magazine is a completely independent journalistic venture (i.e. the journalists who create the magazine are not engaged in any advocacy projects), their reporting provides essential and ongoing insight into our areas of focus.

Currently there are limited cost-effective means to implement solutions and affect the kind of urgent change we need for pressing environmental and social justice concerns —to create awareness, inform behavior and catalyze social change.

We came together to motivate personal stewardship and demand just policies that promote equity and sustainability. The time to act is  now. We need to harness the power of the collective to persuade individuals, corporations, organizations, politicians, scientists and nations to take personal responsibility for reversing the climate crisis and restoring harmony and balance to our global community.

Most importantly, we need to ask ourselves the questions—How do we raise the next generation to be stewards of the earth? How do we quickly learn the pertinent skills and tools our children will need to survive to become stewards of the earth? It’s the only way we can ensure a peaceful, healthy world today, and for generations to come.


We envision a world where all life is cherished and protected, where everyone sees themselves as stewards of the Earth. A holistic approach to responsible stewardship of the Earth leads to better practices, policies and outcomes for the health of the planet and the future of its inhabitants.

We recognize that our fates are intertwined with that of the environment. The health of the individual is linked to the health of the collective, including the ecosystems we’re part of and rely on. Supporting human rights and protecting the environment can no longer be viewed as a voluntary act of goodwill, but the key to our survival and well-being. We have one world to protect and nurture. One world to pass on to future generations. Together we can be the change the world so urgently needs.


Responsibility: We believe in owning our part in the environmental and social justice issues we face by taking responsibility to co-create a better world for today, and for future generations.

Integrity and Authenticity: We believe in doing the right thing for our planet and her inhabitants. We also believe in living a genuine, authentic life and speaking truth to power.

Collaboration: We believe in the power of bringing together a diversity of perspectives to create the impact necessary for meaningful change.

Creativity: We believe in thinking outside of obsolete paradigms, challenging the status quo and imagining what a better world would look like.

Discernment: We partner solely with those already working to protect and preserve our vital ecosystems. We also partner with and support those developing innovative solutions for green energy or pushing for equitable policies for our communities.

Diversity and Dignity:  We honor, love and respect all living beings and cherish diversity.

Service: Together we are in service to the interconnectedness of life; to the earth and her inhabitants.


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