Mission and Vision Copy for Nectar

Final results here: https://www.lovecommanectar.com/

The Client: Jubilee needed help launching its new product, Nectar, an account for providing therapeutic dating advice targeting young millennials and a Gen Z audience.

The Task: Contribute to the content strategy, help develop the storytelling voice, and apply the branding guideliness to the copywriting, in this case, for the mission statement and vision.

Guidelines: Everything had to be in lowercase, the style informal, and the tone, friendly, semi-playful, reflective, and heartfelt.


nectar inspires us to discover our own version of healthy dating and relationships. it’s not about being perfect and having all the answers—it’s about embracing your authentic self. nectar is an accepting community where you can show up without fear of judgement. it’s a space for reimagining the journey of love: what it is and what it can be.

i’m getting to know different versions of love. they teach me things about who i am. the good and the bad. and the more i learn, the more i have to unlearn. what i want - what i don’t want - how we stay honest and kind, authentic and brave - i’m ready to embrace it all: the hilarious adventures. the awkward encounters. the hurt and the healing. this journey never stops, and the destination is always the same: an evolving version of myself. a higher form of loving.

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Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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Nectar Website Landing Page Copy